Supervisor – Gary Griewahn
Clerk – Janet Moden
Treasurer – Harold Gregg
Trustee – Howard Bales
Trustee – Chad Rodgers
Trustee – Matt Carpenter
Trustee – Rusty Benschoter
Janet Moden
Phone: (517) 263-9313
The Township Clerk’s office responsibilities include keeping all township records, conducting all federal, state and local elections, maintaining voter registration records and ensuring that all public notices and postings are completed as required by law.
Our goal is to provide superior service to the public and to fully comply with all laws that apply to Township operations and functions. You can expect accurate information and courteous service in an efficient and consistent manner from the Clerk’s department.
Note: The township Clerk’s office does not handle marriage licenses, birth or death records, election or circuit court records. For these services, please contact the Lenawee County Clerk at (517) 643-4559.
Harold Gregg
Phone: (517) 263-9313
The office of the Township Treasurer duties and powers are provided by State Law and by the authorization of the Township Board Members. The two main roles of the Treasurer are as the custodian of all Township funds and the collector of taxes.
Property Taxes
Winter Taxes